Sunday, September 17
6025 Peachtree Pkwy, Norcross, GA 30092
4:15 to 5 PM Free Introductory Lesson
Cost $10
No Partner Necessary
Come dance! Come see your friends! Come listen to Cajun and Zydeco dance music. The more support we have for our DJ dances and donations received the more live dances we can have. The Mega Hall has wonderful wooden floors and cool air conditioning! Come enjoy!!!
Jambalaya!! Wow! Super music! Superb dancing! A wonderful community of fun and enjoyment! Great food!! I am very grateful for those who came, those who donated, those who helped at the front desk, Ed Barnes of Fusions Catering, the members of the ACZA Board who put this together, and those who helped put the Benson Center back together. This is why we have the ACZA – to have fun together. Let’s keep this going!! If you have not experienced the DJ dances at the Mega Hall, we ask you to come enjoy the music, dance and fellowship of Cajun and Zydeco dancing. Your board is working on the next live dance!
Contribute Pics?
If anyone has video or pictures from the Dennis Stroughmatt dance that they would like to share, please send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We want to update our website. DWB
Covid Vaccinations Strongly Recommended but Not Required
Jambalaya Band (background) with ACZA Dancers